Monday, February 13, 2012

Maoists should help end Unilever shutdown

Maoists should help end Unilever shutdown
BAGLUNG, Feb 13, 2012

Former finance minister Dr Ram Sharan Mahat has blamed unnecessary demands placed by Maoist-affiliated trade union for shutdown of industries across the country.

Referring to shutdown of Unilever Nepal´s production unit in Basamadi of Makawanpur district, Mahat asked the Maoist-affiliated trade union to end such activities.

He also urged the UCPN (Maoist) to do the needful for bringing the multi-national company´s production unit back into operation.

“UCPN (Maoist) should take the responsibility for Unilever shutdown. It should immediately take necessary initiative to bring the factory back into operation,” he added.

Unilever Nepal´s factory was shut down earlier this month after workers affiliated to UCPN (Maoist) launched a strike demanding among others hike in salary and allowances.

“Political parties have different philosophies and agenda. But they should join hands for country´s economic prosperity,” Mahat said, adding, “Country cannot make progress in the absence of investment friendly environment.”
Source: Republica

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