Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Record high import of cooking gas


Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) imported a record high 17,529 metric tonnes of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) gas – popularly known as cooking gas — in February but the market has been continuously witnessing a shortage.

“The corporation had never imported as much cooking gas as it did in February,” said acting deputy managing director Suresh Kumar Agrawal.

It has been found that industrial use of cooking gas in on the rise resulting in the scarcity, he claimed. “At least 500 printing presses in Kathmandu have been found to be using cooking gas to operate their press.”

The corporation has concluded that overall consumption has increased due to the cold and the load-shedding in December, January and February, he said.

But, a Ministry of Commerce and Supplies (MoCS) source ruled out NOC’s claim. “NOC is trying to come clean by putting the blame on increased consumption for the scarcity,” an official at the ministry said. He also hinted that the corporation is not cooperating with the ministry to end the current crisis.

There are serious problems on NOC’s part, stated spokesperson at MoCS Deepak Subedi.

“The ministry itself is also responsible for the current prolonged crisis since it has failed to monitor the market.” It is difficult to put the blame on any one person, added Subedi. “But, the crisis shows there are many players to blame.”

Source: THT

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