Thursday, July 19, 2012

Qatar is top hirer of Nepali migrant workers

KATHMANDU, JUL 18 - 2012

Qatar has displaced Malaysia as the top recruiter of Nepali migrant workers.

A total of 103,371 Nepali individuals went to Qatar in 2011-12, whereas Malaysia hired 98,339 Nepalis, according to the Department of Foreign Employment data.

Workers’ departure to Malaysia declined by 7.14 percent in 2011-12, mainly the due to legalisation programme carried out by Malaysian government.

Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait made the top five recipients of Nepali migrant workers. Saudi Arabia offered employment to 80,380 Nepalis, while the UAE and Kuwait took in 54,294 and 23,790 individuals, respectively.

According to the department, 384,198 individuals left the country for overseas jobs in last fiscal year. The number is the highest in a fiscal year so far.

Political instability and lack of job opportunities in Nepal are prompting more youth to opt for foreign employment.

The department’s statistics clearly show that a majority of workforce entering job market are opting for overseas jobs.

According to government statistics, 400,000 fresh workers enter the domestic job market annually.

And, if the numbers of repeat migrant workers are taken into account, more than 530,000 workers left country for overseas jobs last year. A total of 146,140 individuals obtained re-entry permission from the department last fiscal year. “The number of outbound workers is increasing each year, primarily due to the lack of job opportunities in the country,” said Gyanu Prasad Gaire, vice-president of the Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies. He said comparatively good salary in international job markets was attracting Nepali youth towards foreign employment.

Foreign employment expert Ganesh Gurung said Tarai youth are getting more attracted towards countries other than India for foreign employment.

“A huge number of youth from Tarai and even those losing their jobs in Nepali industries are found leaving for employment in the international labour market,” he said.

Top five labour destinations

Country  >  2010-11 >    2011-12  >  Change %

Qatar  >  102,966  >  103,371  >  0.39

Malaysia  >  105,906  >  98,339  >  -7.14

Saudi Arabia  >  71,116  >  80,380  >  13.02

The UAE  >  44,464  >  54,294 >   22.10

Kuwait   > 15,187  >  23,790  >  56.64

Workers Departure for overseas jobs

Year   >  No.of Workers

2011-12  >  384,198

2010-11  >  354,716

2009-10  >  294,054

2008-09  >  219,965

2007-08  >  249,051

Source: The Kathmandu Post

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